Your donations help families with a critically ill or injured child in the hospital. In addition to monetary gifts, items from our program wish lists help keep our pantries stocked, facilities cleaned and most pressing needs met. They ensure that we are able to provide all the resources and amenities a family may need during their time with us, so they can stay focused on what matters most — their child’s health and well-being.
Please click the button above to view our Amazon Wish List and see our current needs for all programs. Consider hosting a wish list drive at your school or workplace to collect items that our families use daily. Encourage friends and family to bring wish list items to upcoming birthdays, celebrations, and meetings, or host a seasonal wish list drive to collect much-needed items. You can purchase items online and have them shipped directly to RMHCR (333 Westmoreland Dr. Rochester, NY 14620), drop items off in person at the Ronald McDonald House between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., or contact us at (585) 442-5437 to make special arrangements for delivery.